3 Ways To Learn The Game of Golf

Golf is the greatest game on earth. It's both exhilirating and frustrating and it has an ancient history that most other sports cannot even pretend to match. But unlike many sports it's not the sort of game that you want to learn on your own. Yes, you can go out your first time and swing a club at a ball, and some people will master the game that way. But for the most part, it takes some kind of guidance from someone who already knows the game to get you on your feet.

With that in mind, there are three basic ways to learn the wonderful game of golf.

Hire a pro. If your budget allows it, you can hire a pro to teach you one-on-one just about everything you need to know. He or she can teach you the proper stance, grip, swing, and a myriad of other things that will get you on your way to playing solo. Hiring a pro isn't as hard as it sounds. Visit a golf course and just ask them if they have a pro who teaches. If they don't, ask the pro shop people if they can recommend someone. Chances are they can.

Take golf lessons. With this option you will join a class of other students and all be taught by one or two pros. This is usually very affordable because the cost is split up by several people rather than borne by one. This is a great way to find new friends and (hopefully) players at your skill level that you can play with later. One drawback is that you don't get the individual time that you would with a one-on-one instructor, but it is still a very good option.

Lastly, you can ask a friend or relative who plays already to take you under his or her wing. In many cases, this is the best way to learn. You play with someone who (hopefully) doesn't mind spending time with you and showing you the ropes. On the downside, you might find yourself being taught "bad" lessons or habits that you will need to break or relearn later. It's a good idea to pick the best player in the family to teach you.

Once you've learned the basics of the proper swing and club selection, you can spend time on the driving range or the practice green and learn a lot there. The one thing to remember is that almost all players need a good amount of time to get all the mechanics down before they start shooting well. Don't be too hard on yourself. Most importantly, have fun.

Robert Partain has been an avid golfer for over 40 years. He publishes a golf blog that is updated 4 times a week with golf training tips, techniques, and information.

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