Don't Just take any old Golf Lesson Shop for one

By: B matheson

This title might not sound like a golf instruction article, but trust me what we're going to talk about here is just as important as the learning how to drive the ball straight. Actually it's quite possibly more important because if you don't choose the right type of golf lesson for you're style of play and learning you may not get to the point where you'll be driving the ball straight.

We've pieced together a brief article outlining what we think is important in choosing the type of golf lesson you take. No matter what you decide one thing we urge you to do prior to taking any instruction is to decide what your willing to spend, and what it is you want to improve on. Then head out and begin shopping for you're chosen teacher.

So before you pick up the phone or head into your local practice range you need to know what is it you want to improve on. Is it your putting, off the tee, or maybe your short game. All are viable areas of the game that will cut your score but know what it is you want to improve on. The second thing is do you want to take a private lesson? Group lesson or possibly a weekend golf school. All of these options will provide you with the information you need to improve, pending you're willing to put the practice time in to improve.

Let's start at the top, the most expensive option is usually private lessons. Of course there will be some cheaper then others but as a rule of thumb, most higher end courses and facilities will charge more as well as more experienced instructors. How ever having an experienced instructor is not a bad thing generally they can spot your troubles faster and fix them faster a swell. This means less money in the long run because of fewer follow up visits. When evaluating private lessons don't be afraid to ask if you can come in and meet the instructor, if you're going to be paying someone for a service you might as well be sure they know their stuff and you like them.

If you're more drawn to enroll in a golf school to improve your game be sure to ask what the average number of students per instructor is. Just like any school if there are too many students in a class you won't be able to ask any questions or have one-on-one time with the teacher. One downfall to a golf school is that they often provide a ton of golf info in a short period of time, and generally don't have follow up lessons. While this is great for beginner golfers to achieve a perfect foundation of the game, it can mean you'll require additional instruction later on.

I want to say a quick bit about how golf videos are catching on as an instructional method. If you're a intermediate or beginner golfer than this is a very viable option for you, especially if you want to get that over view of the entire mechanics and finer points of the game. For forty bucks or so you can purchase some excellent golf instructional videos that will allow you to learn at your own pace, and refer to if you don't remember particular points. How ever, for advanced golfers videos will likely move to slow, and won't offer the pin point information you need to cut those next 3-5 strokes from your handicap.

So to sum it up, if you're a beginner or intermediate golfer consider videos, and/or a golf school to improve your game. There's a possibility you'll eventually take some one-on-one lessons once you feel your game has peaked but for now it will give you drills to practice and allow you to shoot more consistently. How ever if you're already an advanced golfer and just trying to get under 80 maybe a couple of private golf lessons would be better served for the money.

There is more information about golf lessons on our website Drive The Fairway, visit us an sign up for our free weekly golf tips newsletter.

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