Reasons For And Against Private Number Plates

By: Malcolm Forster

Most people buy a private number plate on a whim , only when they are spending thousands do they think deeply about the pros and cons of owning one. There are arguments for and against opting out of the current registration number system used in the uk which identifies the age of the car and the area of the country where it was first registered , here we consider a few.

Hiding the age of the vehicle .While ageless registration numbers do this superbly and suffix types are catching them up , prefix numbers can just make your car look older than it is , while replacing a current 07 number with something like a 51 number is the worst scenario.

Vehicle recognition . A short and memorable registration number will mean that anyone that knows you will recognise your car as they pass and maybe they will flash their headlights and wave, however are you always where you should be? What if you are spotted whilst you are off your normal route on a covert mission and then this is mentioned to exactly the wrong person , sometimes it pays to be anonymous.

Investment. Whilst it is true that many cherished numbers appreciate over time it should be remembered that there are on costs involved in owning such a registration. Every time you change car the DVLA will charge you 80 for the priviledge of transferring the registration from your old vehicle to your new one . If you put the number on retention you avoid this charge but will have to pay 105 to do this and then 25 per annum to renew the certificate , and what is the point of havin it if its not on the car?

Vehicle personalisation. It is becoming more and more difficult for people to make their car look different from others with type approval and the insurance companies refusal to accept modifications so private number plates have become a popular option. However there may be a danger of loss of exclusivity and the whole thing becoming slightly naff , remember the sunstrips people used to have at the top of their windscreens with their names on?

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