Carve a Better Body with Cardio

By: Terence Uniacke..

Many people are insecure of their physique. They feel uncomfortable in public places and in crowds, always wondering whether they are being unfavorably scrutinized and judged. All this leads to rather low self-esteem.

If you ever feel this way, it's important to know that you are definitely not alone. In fact, many people share your fears of being judged or limited by physical condition and appearances.

Are you ready to make a change? First, you need to answer a very important question: are you content to keep on the same old routine of doing nothing to help yourself, or would you prefer to make the changes and do the work required to build your better body?

Confidence is perhaps the single most-important commodity you can have. The more confidence someone exudes the easier they will find it is to achieve their full potential. There is always room for improvement. Perhaps reinventing yourself and coming up with a brand-new you may give you the confidence to face the world and all its complexities and hardships. Don't be afraid to pamper and treat yourself like never before.

One of the most important steps to self-improvement is developing your health and physique. Cardio is one healthy exercise program that is a very affective way of accomplishing your goals.

Before starting a new cardio program, be sure to visit your doctor. To increase the effectiveness and productivity of your cardio sessions, here are other valuable considerations to keep in mind:

1. Don't go too hard, too soon. Start small, and then increase the length and intensity of your cardio exercise sessions gradually.

2. Feed your body. Unless advised by your doctor, never do a cardio workout on an empty stomach.

3. Work in thirty minute increments. If you work out for less than thirty minutes, you body may not respond the way you want it to. You're your cardio going for at least 30 minutes, at a moderate or high intensity.

4. Muscles should always be stretched to prepare them for exercise. A good but gentle muscle stretch for cardio exercise might include quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

5. Know your target heart rate. Be sure to monitor your heart rate regularly throughout your cardio routine, during breaks, or between sessions.

6. Vary your workout. If you become bored with the cardio routine, you'll be inclined to give it up. Avoid boredom with different forms of cardio such as martial arts, rowing, and running. Keep it fun and exciting.

7. Intensify. Vary the intensity of your workout within each session. For example, exercise at a moderate pace for about half of the session and a high rate of intensity for approximately forty percent of your cardio workout. Use a slow or easy pace for the last ten percent of the cardio session to help condition the muscles, stopping them from exerting too much effort.

8. If you wish to use both cardio and weightlifting you should always maintain an interval of 8 hours between workouts. Your muscles require rest in order to keep up with the rest of your activities. Also, your body requires nutrients and fluids to replace what is used in a workout.

When you follow these tips, you can improve your level of fitness and appearance. Best of all, you'll soon improve your self-esteem and confidence!

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Information about the Author:

Writer Aldrich Cusens contributes articles to a variety of Internet magazines, on heart health and health plan themes.

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