Marine Accessories You Should Have

By: Jed Tumlinson

Whether you have a 40 sailboat or a 20 foot powerboat for fishing there is safety equipment and marine accessories you should have on board. Some are regulated while others are just smart boating.

The equipment and accessories you should have are not expensive and should an emergency arrive your life could be saved by this inexpensive equipment. A well stocked boat is simply smart boating and statistically you have a much better chance of surviving a boating accident.

Government regulation requires that there must be a floatation device for each person aboard the boat. Coast Guard is the enforcer of these regulations. The lifejackets do not have to be on they just need to be readily available.

You are also required to have a floating device that can be thrown into the water should someone fall into the water. A life ring is the most common device you will find onboard.

You must also have a noise device such as a horn or whistle onboard. Larger boats are required to also have a bell as well as a whistle. There are different requirements for boats of different sizes to use in an emergency as a signal for distress.

There are other accessories that you should have on your boat. A fire extinguisher, a bailing bucket, rain gear, a tarp, and a first aid kit are just a few of the accessories you should have on board. Although you might not required to have them by law but it just makes good sense from a personal point of view.

Whether you are out for a relaxing day on the water, a day of fishing, a day of sailing, or you are going to buzz off to one of the islands for a BBQ your boat needs to be properly equipped.

Some of your equipment and accessories you will never use while other items can come in real handy. For example you find yourself suddenly caught in a downpour that raingear will sure come in handy.

It is also a great idea to include the following accessories on your boat:

1. Portable CD player and radio � using the stereo on the boat can drain your battery too rapidly.2. Sunhat and sunglasses to keep you protected from the sun.3. Sunscreen � it�s very easy to become burned when out on the water so you should always have sunscreen onboard for your passengers.4. Beach Towels � are handy for anyone who decides to go for a dip and cool off. They can then dry off.5. Munchies � now you might not consider that a necessity but you�ll find our guests can get the munchies when they are on the water. Fruit and vegetables are always great choices. Watermelon, strawberries, apples, berries and so much more.6. Fluids � you should have lots of water and fruit juices on hand. Remember pop will actually dehydrate you.7. Charts � depending on where you are going you might need charts. On a lake maybe not needed but definitely needed on the ocean.8. Reading Material � it�s always nice to have some reading material handy. When your soaking up some rays and relaxing you might want to read a magazine, do some crossword puzzles, or read a book.9. Swimsuits � It�s a great idea to have some spare swimsuits on board for those that forget theirs. Even some nylon sport shorts that either sex can wear are really helpful.10. First Aid Kit � is probably one of the most important additions to your armor. It should be a full kit that can handle just about any emergency on the water.

Marine equipment and marine accessories are an important part of your boating experience. So be prepared and get out there and enjoy the water and sun.

Jed has been working for leading leading retailers of marine electronics with over 10 years of experience in the maritime industry. Come to to get free advice on different range of marine electronics

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